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Uploads by Jkdawson

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:34, 25 June 2009 Peta-Scale wp.pdf (file) 928 KB A whitepaper by Peter Braam: "Peta-scale IO with the Lustre File System". The papaer was written in February, 2008. 1
19:20, 25 June 2009 Lce pop submitted.pdf (file) 1.87 MB Improving I/O Performance in POP (Parallel Ocean Program) 1
19:27, 25 June 2009 Lustre Enhancement Report Interval Trees.pdf (file) 105 KB Using Interval Tree to scale extent locks 1
20:08, 25 June 2009 Lustre Enhancement Report UUID Hash Tables.pdf (file) 70 KB Implement hash tables to scale export lookups 1
20:11, 25 June 2009 A Novel Network Request Scheduler for a Large Scale Storage System.pdf (file) 233 KB A Novel Network Request Scheduler for a Large Scale Storage System 1
20:35, 25 June 2009 LCE Summit Summary Draft March 14 2008.pdf (file) 280 KB   1
10:19, 26 June 2009 LCESummitSlides.pdf (file) 6.67 MB LCE Summit February 2008 Slides and Notes 1
10:24, 26 June 2009 April2008ApplicationIOWorkshop.pdf (file) 71 KB April 2008 Application IO Workshop Slides and Notes 1
10:51, 26 June 2009 Lustre workshop WangDi.pdf (file) 341 KB Lustre & Application IO Slides 1
10:55, 26 June 2009 Lustre workshop Oleg.pdf (file) 229 KB Lustre & Application IO - Oleg Drokin's Slides 1
11:06, 26 June 2009 Lustre ADIO Driver Whitepaper 0926.pdf (file) 1.02 MB Lustre ADIO Collective Write Driver - Whitepaper 1
11:10, 26 June 2009 FMS Investigation Report (0915).pdf (file) 134 KB FMS Performance Investigation Report 1
11:49, 27 June 2009 Notes on SW1 Notes.pdf (file) 1.84 MB Scalability Workshop Notes from February 10-11, 2009 1
18:51, 27 June 2009 Apps IO working.pdf (file) 1.25 MB Working document that summarizes the status of Mike Booth's Applications IO work. 1
19:30, 27 June 2009 Understanding Lustre Filesystem Internals.pdf (file) 1.08 MB Lustre internals document prepared by ORNL and the LCE. Based on Lustre 1.6. 1
11:11, 28 June 2009 Shipman Feb lustre scalability.pdf (file) 6.73 MB Galen Shipman's presentation, February Scalability Workshop 1
11:14, 28 June 2009 Eric-Barton - Lustre-Multi PF Roadmap-090130.pdf (file) 1.92 MB Eric Barton's presentation, February Scalability Workshop 1
11:57, 28 June 2009 Dawson Lustre Workshop May 2009.pdf (file) 1.71 MB John Dawson's presentation at May Scalability workshop. 1
11:58, 28 June 2009 Carrier 2009-05-19 ORNL LCE HPCS.pdf (file) 472 KB John Carrier's presentation at May Scalability workshop. 1
12:01, 28 June 2009 Newman May Lustre Workshop.pdf (file) 4.82 MB Henry Newman's presentation at May Scalability workshop. 1
12:04, 28 June 2009 Shipman May lustre scalability workshop.pdf (file) 4.5 MB Galen Shipman's presentation at May Scalability workshop. 1
12:05, 28 June 2009 Dilger Lustre HPCS May Workshop.pdf (file) 2.11 MB Andreas Dilger's presentation at May Scalability workshop. 1
20:27, 7 August 2009 JKD Wiki V1 2009 08 07 Lustre HPCS Overview.pdf (file) 259 KB Current version of HPCS File System Design Document. Has most of Carrier's comments incorporated but still need a couple minor questions answered by Andreas. 1
20:28, 7 August 2009 FSCK Design-2009-06-15-09.pdf (file) 339 KB FSCK Design for HPCS. 1
20:29, 7 August 2009 End-to-End-Integrity-2009-06-15.pdf (file) 344 KB E2E Integrity Design for HPCS. 1
20:29, 7 August 2009 Channel Bonding 06 15 09.pdf (file) 231 KB Channel bonding design doc for HPCS. 1
20:30, 7 August 2009 Rebuild performance-2009-06-15.pdf (file) 237 KB Rebuild performance design for HPCS. 1
20:31, 7 August 2009 HPCS CMD 06 15 09.pdf (file) 283 KB Clustered Metadat design doc for HPCS. 1
14:01, 15 September 2009 LustreScalabilityWP Updated.pdf (file) 450 KB   2
21:19, 4 November 2009 Gap Response.pdf (file) 196 KB Final gap response to Lustre Scalability gaps identified in February Workshop. 1