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HPC Software Workshop and Seminars - Regensburg Germany 2009

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(Updated: Sep 2009)

The three-day HPC Software Workshop offered three tracks with Sun and customer presentations around Grid Engine, Open Storage (including Lustre™ and SAM-QFS), and software Development Tools, including Sun Studio and Sun HPC ClusterTools.

  • The Grid Engine track was the Grid Engine community meeting for 2009. We discussed our progress since the last year, how our community members are using Grid Engine today, and where we are planning to go in the future.
  • Lustre talks in the Open Storage track provided participants with the opportunity to learn new technical information, acquire best practices, and share knowledge about Lustre technology. Other topics in the Open Storage track included Sun Open Storage and other Sun open file systems, including ZFS and SAM-QFS.
  • The Development Tools track covered the end-to-end process of developing and deploying applications and services in HPC and cloud computing environments, including Sun HPC ClusterTools and Sun Studio software. Other topics in this track included advanced language research for HPC and cloud computing technologies.

Additionally, three advanced seminars were held as adjuncts to the HPC Software Workshop.

  • A special Lustre Advanced Technical Seminar was offered with senior Lustre engineers. They discussed several areas of the product they are working on, and took questions and provided answers about tuning, configuration, and debugging.
  • An HPC Parallel Programming Seminar described aspects of parallel computing and provided an introduction to the basics of the MPI and OpenMP programming models.
  • The Grid Engine Advanced Seminar was presented to Sun Grid Engine administrators wanting to learn about administration facilities, expert configurations and best practices for complex use case scenarios. The class was conducted by Sun Grid Engine experts and engineers.

Lustre Advanced Seminar and Open Storage Track Agenda and Slides

The HPC Software Workshop featured an advanced Lustre seminar and numerous Open Storage Track sessions on select Lustre topics.

September 7 - Monday

The Lustre Advanced Technical Seminar covered topics of interest to Lustre users, and featured the following presentations from our senior-level developers:

Lustre in Practice - Johann Lombardi, Sun

Some Protocol Basics - Johann Lombardi, Sun

Lustre Deep Dive - Andreas Dilger, Sun

September 8 - Tuesday

Lustre Roadmap - Dan Ferber, Sun

Lustre in Automotive - Daniel Kobras, science + computing ag

Lustre, ZFS & End-to-End Data Integrity - Andreas Dilger, Sun

Lustre Investigations at CERN - Arne Wiebalck, CERN

Lustre Clustered Metadata - Andreas Dilger, Sun

Lustre, SGE & Physics Code - Rajmund Krivec, J. Stefan Institute

September 9 - Wednesday

Sun Lustre Storage System - Torben Kling-Petersen, Sun

Lustre at FZ Juelich - Status and Goals - Otto Büchner, Forschungszentrum, Juelich

Sample Lustre Performance Data - Dan Ferber, Sun

Lustre Performance Tips and Tricks - Torben Kling-Petersen, Sun

Data Management with Shared QFS and Storage Archive Manager - Harriet Coverston, Sun

Lustre Management & Monitoring Tools - Sven Trautman, Sun

September 10 - Thursday

Lustre Quota: Current and Future - Johann Lombardi, Sun

Lustre Community - Dan Ferber, Sun