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Uploads by Sbarthel

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:03, 17 May 2007 Fig1.png (file) 89 KB Home page of error.lustre.org 1
16:11, 17 May 2007 Fig2.png (file) 55 KB RAS page for Error 12-3 1
18:45, 20 August 2007 LustreManual 1.6 v15.pdf (file) 2.08 MB Upload of Lustre 1.6 manual (v1_5) 1
11:23, 24 August 2007 LustreManual 1.6 v16.pdf (file) 2.26 MB Upload of Lustre 1.6 manual (v1_6) 1
12:58, 30 August 2007 LustreManual 1.6 man v1.7.pdf (file) 2.27 MB Upload of Lustre 1.6 manual (document version 1.7) 1
13:25, 10 October 2007 LustreManual 1.6 man v18.pdf (file) 2.38 MB Upload of Lustre 1.6 manual, doc version v1_8. 1
05:52, 9 November 2007 LustreManual 1.6 man v19.pdf (file) 2.47 MB Upload of Lustre 1.6 manual (doc version v1_9) 1
07:50, 6 February 2008 LustreInternals Architecture.pdf (file) 496 KB Lustre internals - Architecture 1
07:53, 6 February 2008 LustreInternals LogAnalysis.pdf (file) 336 KB Lustre internals - Log analysis 1
07:55, 6 February 2008 LustreInternals SampleLustreImplementation.pdf (file) 395 KB Lustre internals - Sample Lustre implementation 1
13:14, 19 March 2008 820-3681.pdf (file) 2.51 MB Lustre Operations Manual (v1_11 edition), March 13, 2008. 1
09:29, 12 June 2008 Sptlrpc interop-hld.pdf (file) 18 KB HLD - Sptlrpc interoperability 1
15:09, 16 June 2008 SecurityTestPlan.pdf (file) 72 KB Lustre Test Plan for Security Features 1
19:56, 31 July 2008 2005-04-security.pdf (file) 178 KB Lustre Security - Engineering Requirements (PDF) 1
14:19, 27 August 2008 Lustre-amanda.pdf (file) 63 KB Zmanda paper: Amanda and Lustre - Backup and Recovery of Lustre 1
11:53, 13 November 2008 Quotas-tp.pdf (file) 131 KB Quotas feature test plan 1
13:03, 13 November 2008 VBR phase2 large scale Test Plan.pdf (file) 93 KB Feature test plan - VBR 1
16:49, 13 November 2008 PCIFS ARCH.jpg (file) 32 KB pCIFS Architecture 1
17:13, 13 November 2008 PCIFS CTDB.png (file) 27 KB PCIFS CTDB 1
17:23, 13 November 2008 CTDB ARCH.png (file) 22 KB CTDB Architecture 1
17:24, 13 November 2008 CTDB FAILOVER.png (file) 28 KB CTDB Failover 1
12:28, 17 November 2008 AccSm Testing.pdf (file) 113 KB Acceptance Small (acc-sm) Testing on Lustre 1
14:12, 17 November 2008 Ostpools-large-scale testplan.pdf (file) 86 KB OST test plan (updated) 1
14:15, 17 November 2008 Quotas testplan.pdf (file) 131 KB Quotas test plan (updated) 1
06:41, 9 December 2008 Ostpools-large-scale-tp.pdf (file) 86 KB OST Pools Large-Scale Test Plan 2
06:56, 9 December 2008 CMD-large-scale-tp.2008-11-20.pdf (file) 98 KB CMD Large-Scale Test Plan 1
07:04, 9 December 2008 Lustre-18-release-tp.pdf (file) 134 KB Lustre 1.8 Test Plan 1
09:55, 3 February 2009 Lustre performance regression-tp 013009.pdf (file) 90 KB Lustre 1.8 Performance Regression Test Plan 1
10:01, 3 February 2009 AT-large-scale-tp.pdf (file) 112 KB Adaptive Timeouts Feature Test Plan (updated) 2
10:05, 3 February 2009 VBR phase2 large scale testplan.pdf (file) 96 KB VBR Feature Test Plan (updated) 3
10:06, 3 February 2009 Ostpools-large-scale-tp 020209.pdf (file) 89 KB OST Pools Feature Test Plan (updated) 1
09:52, 13 February 2009 ROC-large-scale-tp-1 111308.pdf (file) 122 KB OSS Read Cache Test Plan (updated) 2
09:55, 13 February 2009 ROC-large-scale-tp-1 021309.pdf (file) 122 KB OSS Read Cache Test Plan - updated 1
20:23, 17 February 2010 Lustre2.0Alpha7Summary-2.pdf (file) 148 KB Lustre 2.0 Alpha 7 Summary 1
20:32, 17 February 2010 HeadDailyTesting-Alpha-7.pdf (file) 109 KB HEAD Daily Testing Alpha 7 1
08:46, 14 April 2010 LUG-2010-tricksRev.pdf (file) 236 KB Re-upload of LUG 2010 Tips and Tricks - updated ver (A. Dilger) 1
09:13, 14 April 2010 LUG User Seminar Presentation - Hill.pdf (file) 1.7 MB Administering Lustre at Scale, Lessons Learned at ORNL (J. Hill) 1
11:16, 14 April 2010 Lustre hsm seminar lug10.pdf (file) 267 KB A Look Inside HSM (A. Degremont and T. Leibovici) 1
12:13, 14 April 2010 LUG-2010-tricksRev2.pdf (file) 236 KB (Re-upload of LUG 2010 Tips and Tricks - 2nd updated ver (A. Dilger) 1
21:37, 14 April 2010 LUG Keynote Presentation-Bojanic-100415.pdf (file) 886 KB LUG Keynote Address (P. Bojanic) 1
21:42, 14 April 2010 LUG10 Peter Jones 1.8.x Update.pdf (file) 760 KB Lustre 1.8 Update 1
06:29, 15 April 2010 Rread-lustre20.pdf (file) 381 KB Lustre 2.0 (R. Read) 1
08:06, 15 April 2010 LUG 2010.pptx (file) 1.13 MB Lustre Development (E. Barton) 1
08:16, 15 April 2010 Buisson NUMIOA n multirail.pdf (file) 784 KB Getting the Best from Lustre in a NUMIOA and Multi-rail IB Environment (S. Buisson) 1
08:21, 15 April 2010 LUG2010-CLUMEQ.pdf (file) 7.71 MB Lustre Deployment and Early Experiences (F. Parent) 1
08:32, 15 April 2010 CEALUG2010 v1.pdf (file) 1.95 MB LCE: Lustre at CEA (S. Thiell) 1
08:49, 15 April 2010 HEADDailyTestingResults-Beta1.pdf (file) 127 KB HEAD Daily Testing Results - Lustre 2.0 Beta (J. Popp) 1
09:45, 15 April 2010 LUG 2010.pdf (file) 997 KB Lustre Development (E. Barton) 1
12:17, 15 April 2010 Lustre user group 2010.pdf (file) 4.18 MB Comprehensive Lustre I/O Tracking with Vampir - updated (M. Kluge) 2
12:35, 15 April 2010 Lustre2.0Beata1Summary.pdf (file) 94 KB Lustre 2.0 Beta Summary - updated (J. Popp) 4
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