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Revision as of 01:56, 21 May 2008 by Johnlya (talk | contribs) (please explain config with failover+mon)
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please explain config with failover+mon


   I have installed Lustre is AS4.4, linux kernel is 2.6.9-42),and I have installed heartbeat and configed it ,it works well. 
   Next I have installed mon, but I don't know config it with lustre. Please help me explain how to work. Thank you very much!
   The manual refers to "mon.trap" and "lustre.mon.trap",please tell where is in lustre. Thanks!


9. Copy the supplied trap generator script_ (mon.trap) to a proper location (/usr/local/lib/mon/) This Perl script_ is based on a script_ found on the Mon mailing list. Other script_s are also available there. 10. Copy the provided Lustre monitor script_ (lustre.mon.trap) to the mon monitor directory(/usr/local/lib/mon/mon.d)