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Accessing Lustre Code

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Content from Open CVS, Lustre CVS and Lustre External CVS

As an open-source product, we encourage contributions to develop and test a more robust, feature-rich Lustre by trying out the software while it is under development. To obtain Lustre code from the source repository, you must have CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) installed.

Using the CVS repository

Check out Lustre source code as follows:

1. Set CVSROOT in your environment by entering one of these commands:



cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.lustre.org:/lustre login

2. Run

cvs login 

If a password is requested, hit enter to continue.

3. Check out the lustre source by entering:

cvs co lustre

4. Check out the lustre modules by entering:

cd lustre
./lustrecvs b1_6

In this example, modules for Release 1.6 are checked out.

Stable development branches are named b{major}_{minor} (for example, b1_6 and b1_8). Release branches are cut for making an official release to isolate it from further development, named b_release_{major}_{minor}_{patch} (for example, b_release_1_8_0). A final release gets a tag in the form v{major}_{minor}_{patch} (for example, v1_8_0 or v1_6_7_1).

Even-numbered minor releases are considered stable releases. Odd-numbered minor releases correspond to alpha and beta releases and will sometimes be given v{major}_{minor}_{patch} tags to provide a point of reference for internal and external testing. Long-range development is done on the HEAD branch.


This example checks out all sources into ~/tmp.

cfaber@atitude:~$ cd tmp
cfaber@atitude:~/tmp$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.lustre.org:/lustre login
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs.lustre.org:2401/lustre
CVS password:      (Leave blank, Hit Enter)

cfaber@atitude:~/tmp$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.lustre.org:/lustre co lustre
cvs checkout: Updating lustre
U lustre/.cvsignore
U lustre/COPYING
U lustre/ChangeLog
U lustre/Makefile.in
U lustre/README
U lustre/README.lustrecvs
U lustre/autoMakefile.am
U lustre/autogen.sh
U lustre/configure.ac
U lustre/lustre.spec.in
U lustre/lustrecvs

cfaber@atitude:~/tmp$ cd lustre
cfaber@atitude:~/tmp/lustre$ ./lustrecvs b1_6

(You may also use lustrecvs HEAD for the HEAD release)

lustrecvs: updating lustrecvs
cvs update: Updating .
lustrecvs: Checking out build from b1_6
cvs checkout: Updating build
U build/.cvsignore
U build/Makefile
U build/README.kernel-source
U build/Rules.in
U build/autoMakefile.am
U build/autoMakefile.am.toplevel

CVS Modules

The following modules are provided via the anonymous pserver:

  • lustre
  • ldiskfs
  • libsysio
  • lnet
  • lustre-build (as .../build)
  • lustre-core (as .../lustre)
  • lustre-snmp (as .../snmp)
