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Finding a Project

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This page describes how to find a bug to fix, select a project to enhance Lustre, or help with Lustre testing.

Finding a Bug to Fix

Fixing bugs in Lustre is a good way to become familiar with the Lustre code if you've not worked on it before. Bugs against the Lustre code are logged in the Bugzilla bug tracking system. To find a bug you'd like to work on:

Once you have selected a bug to work on, contact lustre-devel to discuss the approach to be taken to fix it.

Selecting a Project to Enhance Lustre

If you'd like to take on a project to enhance or add a new feature to Lustre, consider one of these options:

  • Search Bugzilla for the keyword "small project". Some Lustre developers use this keyword to indicate that an enhancement request or bug is a stand-alone project suitable to be taken on by an external developer. When you have identified a project you'd like to work on, contact lustre-devel to discuss the approach be taken to address it.
  • Assist with keeping Lustre up-to-date with recent kernel changes. For some changes, a simple fix to the Lustre code will be required, while for others, a good understanding of the Linux kernel and how Lustre interfaces with it is needed. For guidance in selecting or proceeding with a project, contact lustre-devel.
  • Propose a new feature that can be developed as a separate module on top of Lustre. Be sure to get feedback on your proposal on lustre-devel before you get started.

Helping with Lustre Testing

To find out how you can contribute to the testing of upcoming Lustre releases, see Lustre Test Plans.