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Upgrading to a New Version of Lustre

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Supported Upgrade Paths

For Lustre 1.8.x, the following upgrades are supported:

  • Lustre 1.6.x to Lustre 1.8.0.
  • One minor version to the next (for example, 1.8.0 > 1.8.x).

For Lustre 1.8.0, downgrades in the same ranges are supported.

  • If you upgrade from Lustre 1.6.x > 1.8.0, you can downgrade to version 1.6.x.
  • If you upgrade from one minor version to the next (for example Lustre 1.8.0 > 1.8.x), you can downgrade to earlier minor version (e.g., version 1.8.x).

Caution: A fresh installation of Lustre 1.8.x is not guaranteed to be downgradable to an earlier Lustre version.

For supported upgrade paths for earlier releases, see Upgrading from 1.4.6 and Later to 1.6.


Upgrade procedures

Lustre Failover and Rolling Upgrades in OM.