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Sample Style

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This is a Call Out box use the blockquote tag to wrap all out content highlights, and quotes.

More on Lustre performance, service, and support at sun.com/lustre

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4

Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem. Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim. Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque. Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum id, odio. Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis vehicula sodales est.

Code Sample:


 ''' More on Lustre performance, service, and support'''
 at [http://www.sun.com/software/products/lustre/ sun.com/lustre]
 * Item 1
 * Item 2
 * Item 3
 * Item 4
 Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem.
 Mauris faucibusaccumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim.
 Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in,
 neque. Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum
 id, odio. Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis
 vehicula sodales est.

This is a Notification box use the blockquote with a class of usermessage to wrap all out content highlights, and quotes.

Alert/Notify Heading

Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem. Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim. Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque. Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum id, odio. Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis vehicula sodales est.

Code Sample:
<blockquote class="usermessage">
      <h6>Alert/Notify Heading</h6>
      Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem.
      Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim.
      Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque.
      Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum id, odio.
      Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis vehicula sodales est.


Intro paragraph: Use double underscores, capital letters TOC, followed by double underscores to move the Contents box to the side of the introductory paragraph. Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem. Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim. Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque.

Subhead 2

Paragraph: Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem. Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim. Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque. Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum id, odio. Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis vehicula sodales est.

Subhead 3

Paragraph: Fusce sodales condimentum massa! Maecenas ultrices mattis sem. Mauris faucibus accumsan mauris. Etiam elementum massa vitae enim. Suspendisse magna velit, mollis non, venenatis ac, convallis in, neque. Praesent sem est, varius blandit, dignissim eget, dictum id, odio. Aliquam id arcu sit amet eros interdum iaculis. Duis vehicula sodales est.

  1. Ordered List 1
  2. Ordered List 2
    1. Ordered SubList 1
    2. Ordered SubList 2
    3. Ordered SubList 3
  3. Ordered SubList 3
    • Unordered SubList 1
    • Unordered SubList 2
    • Unordered SubList 3
  4. Ordered List 4

Subhead 4

If your test is going to report to buffalo, it must generate output that contains the following parts:

  • Unordered List 1
    • Unordered Sublist 1
    • Unordered Sublist 2
    • Unordered Sublist 3
  • Unordered List 2
    1. Ordered Sublist 1
    2. Ordered Sublist 2
    3. Ordered Sublist 3
  • Unordered List 3
  • Unordered List 4

Code Block:

SubmissionTime: 2004-02-10 12:43:54
TestDesc: POSIX compliance suite
TestName: posix-correctness
TestBranch: b_eq
RCBaseTag: RC_1_1_0_46
TestHost: mdev
TestGroup: correctness
ConfigName: mdev-failover
Kernel: Linux mdev15 2.4.18-p4smp-10pre1 #1 SMP Thu Feb 5 14:52:15 PST 2004 i686 unknown
LustreBuild: b_eq-20040210075810-PRISTINE-.usr.src.linux-2.4.18-p4smp-2.4.18-p4smp-10pre1
Arch:  i686
Network: elan
HarnessVersion: 1.007
MDSNodes: mdev10
OSTNodes: mdev13
ClientNodes: mdev[12,14-15]
Test: fail: posix-correctness
Config: posix-correctness
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE lustre>
<lustre version='2003070801'>
  <ldlm name='ldlm' uuid='ldlm_UUID'/>
  <node uuid='mdev10_UUID' name='mdev10'>
    <filesystem_ref uuidref='FS_fsname_UUID'/>
ConfigEnd: posix-correctness
Log: posix-correctness
Test Start at: 2004-02-10 12:25:21

COMMAND: umask 0022 && cd /home/ccooper/ltest/acceptance/correctness && POSIX_SRC=/home/ccooper/posix MOUNTPT=/mnt/lustre TMP=/tmp/vsx0 TMPDIR=/tmp/vsx0 sh runposix.sh

tcc: journal file is /home/tet/test_sets/results/0049e/journal

Test End at: 2004-02-10 12:43:45
LogEnd: posix-correctness
Dmesg: posix-correctness
 Lustre: 1767:(mds_unlink_open.c:71:mds_open_unlink_rename()) pending destroy of 2x open file creat-t.9 = 33f33:dfc9babf
 EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
DmesgEnd: posix-correctness
TotalStatus: fail

Sortable Table:

Some Caption
var explanation
TMP location of temporary directory (default: /tmp)
CONFIG path to file containing configuration directives for your Lustre setup
LOG path to file containing the output from your test
DMESGLOG path to file containing dmesg output from your test
TESTDESC plain english description of the test
TESTNAME name of the test
LUSTRE_TAG branch or release being tested
MACHINENAME name of the testing machine
TESTGROUP classification of the test (io, correctness, recovery, ...)
CONFIGDESC description of the hardware configuration (e.g. 2linOST-LOV)
KERNEL output of `uname -a` from the node on which lustre is being run
LUSTRE_BUILD output of `lctl lustre_build_version` from the node on which lustre is being run
TESTARCH output of `uname -m` from the node on which lustre is being run
NETWORKTYPE network type (tcp, elan, ...)
MDSNODES comma- or space-delimited list of MDS nodes
OSTNODES comma- or space-delimited list of OST nodes
CLIENTNODES comma- or space-delimited list of client nodes
ROUTERNODES comma- or space-delimited list of router nodes (if applicable)
RECIPIENTS recipients for buffalo email. Please send your results to the buffalo sandbox (buffalo-sandbox@clusterfs.com) until you are certain the test is being reported correctly. You can verify your report at https://buffalo-sandbox.clusterfs.com/ Once your test is reporting correctly to the sandbox, you can begin sending your test results to buffalo proper instead (buffalo_results@clusterfs.com).
SENDER email address of the person running the tests.
RESULT pass or fail (for multi-part tests/test suites, this is the aggregate result)
SENDMAIL (optional) the command used to send mail. There is a suitable default specified.
WORKAREA (optional) send results to a private reporting area. NOTE: this reporting area needs to be setup prior to use. Don't send reports for random workareas. They will not work.
HARNESS_VERSION (optional) only for use if submitting results using the test harness, and it will get set automatically then
REQUEST_ID (optional) corresponding testing request id. Please don't set unless you know what you're doing.