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Using Pacemaker with Lustre: Difference between revisions

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; version: 0
; version: 0
4. (Optional) To use the Pacemaker GUI, add the ''mgmt'' daemon to the ''service'' section:
;service {
; name&#58; pacemaker
; version&#58; 0
; use_mgmtd&#58; yes
The ''corosync'' service starts as part of the normal ''init'' process. It can also be started manually by entering:
/etc/init.d/corosync start
After ''corosync'' has started, the following lines should be visible in the system log file:
(...) [MAIN ] Corosync (...) started and ready to provide service.
(...) [TOTEM ] The network interface [...] is now up.
You can also check for correct functioning of the network stack by entering:
# corosync-cfgtool -s
The following should be displayed:
Printing ring status.
Local node ID (...)
id = (...)
status = ring 0 active with no faults

Revision as of 12:50, 15 January 2010


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This page describes how to configure and use Pacemaker with Lustre Failover.

Setting Up Cluster Communications

Communication between the nodes of the cluster allows all nodes to “see” each other. In modern clusters, OpenAIS, or more specifically, its communication stack corosync, is used for this task. All communication paths in the cluster should be redundant so that a failure of a single path is not fatal for the cluster.

An introduction to the setup, configuration and operation of a Pacemaker cluster can be found in:

Setting Up the corosync Communication Stack

The corosync communication stack, developed as part of the OpenAIS project, supports all the communication needs of the cluster. The package is included in all recent Linux distributions. If it is not included in your distribution, you can find precompiled binaries at www.clusterlabs.org/rpm. It is also possible to compile OpenAIS from source and install it on all HA nodes by running /configure; make and make install.

Note: If corosync is not included in your distribution, your distribution may include the complete OpenAIS package. From the cluster point of view, the only difference is that all files and commands start with openais rather than corosync. The configuration file is located in /etc/ais/openais.conf.

Once installed, the software looks for a configuration in the file /etc/corosync/corosync.conf.

Complete the following steps to set up the corosync communication stack:

1. Are my edits to this step OK? Edit the totem section of the corosync.conf (or openais.conf) configuration file to designate the IP address and netmask of the interface(s) to be used. The totem section of the configuration file describes the way corosync communicates between nodes.
totem {
version: 2
secauth: off
threads: 0
interface {
ringnumber: 0
mcastport: 5405
Corosync uses the option bindnetaddr to determine which interface is to be used for cluster communication. The example above assumes one of the node’s interfaces is configured on the network Is the bold text OK? The value of the option is calculated from the IP address AND the network mask for the interface (IP & MASK) so the final bits of the address are cleared. Thus the configuration file is independent of any node and can be copied to all nodes.
2. Are my edits in this step OK? Edit the aisexec section of the configuration file to designate which user can start the service. The user must be root:
aisexec {
user: root
group: root
3. Are my edits to this step OK? In the service section of the configuration file, add the services that corosync is to administer. In this example, only pacemaker is included:

service {
name: pacemaker
version: 0

4. (Optional) To use the Pacemaker GUI, add the mgmt daemon to the service section:

service {
name: pacemaker
version: 0
use_mgmtd: yes

The corosync service starts as part of the normal init process. It can also be started manually by entering:

/etc/init.d/corosync start

After corosync has started, the following lines should be visible in the system log file:

(...) [MAIN ] Corosync (...) started and ready to provide service. 
(...) [TOTEM ] The network interface [...] is now up.

You can also check for correct functioning of the network stack by entering:

# corosync-cfgtool -s

The following should be displayed:

Printing ring status. 
Local node ID (...)
	id		= (...)
	status				= ring 0 active with no faults